Personal Growth

  • The Wounded Divine Masculine: Let’s Cut the Bullshit and Get to Healing

    The Wounded Divine Masculine: Let's Cut the Bullshit and Get to Healing

    What It Is, How To Heal It And The Benefits Of Healing It

    Let’s talk about the elephant in the room – the wounded divine masculine. Yeah, you heard it right. Men have been in the hot seat for centuries, and it’s high time we address this shit. Politics, entertainment, sports – you name it, men have been accused left, right, and center. But can we fix this? Can we bring back the sacred masculine from the brink? Or is it a lost cause? Buckle up, because we’re diving deep into this.

    The Wounded Masculine: What the Hell is It?

    We often yap about the wounded divine feminine, but what about the masculine? It’s like the neglected middle child, just as messed up but never getting the spotlight. So, what does this wounded masculine look like?

    Think of it like this: You know that guy at work, the one who always has to be in control, who thinks there can only be one winner (him, of course), and everyone else is just a loser? That’s a classic case of the wounded masculine. It’s an us-versus-them mentality that turns people into obstacles rather than fellow humans.

    And let’s not forget the pressure to be Mr. Perfect. Men are expected to be the rock, never show weakness, and God forbid they shed a tear. All this crap is rooted in fear – fear of failure, of not being good enough, of vulnerability.

    How This Shit Shows Up in Our Lives

    Let’s take John, a high-flying executive. He’s been told to be ruthless, to put work first, and to sacrifice everything else for his career. He’s praised for his “killer instinct” and take-charge attitude. But this attitude spills over into his personal life, and he starts seeing his friends and family as competition. He’s always on the defensive, always ready for a fight. He feels like he can’t let his guard down, even with the people he loves. This mindset creates more wounds and feeds the already wounded masculine.

    But it’s not just John. This shit shows up in all sorts of ways and in all sorts of people. It’s the dad who can’t express love to his kids because he’s afraid it’ll make him look weak. It’s the husband who can’t communicate his feelings to his wife because he’s been taught that men should keep their emotions to themselves. It’s the friend who can’t ask for help when he’s struggling because he thinks he needs to solve his problems on his own.

    And it’s not just in our personal lives. It’s in our workplaces, where men are encouraged to be aggressive and dominant, often at the expense of their female colleagues. It’s in our schools, where boys are told to “man up” when they show any sign of vulnerability. It’s in our media, where men are often portrayed as either emotionless heroes or violent villains.

    The wounded masculine is everywhere, and it’s causing a whole lot of damage. It’s leading to stress, burnout, and relationship issues. It’s contributing to sexism, homophobia, and violence. And it’s preventing men from living authentic, fulfilling lives.

    But here’s the good news: we can heal the wounded masculine. It’s not easy, and it’s not quick, but it’s possible. And the first step is recognizing the problem. Once we can see the wounded masculine for what it is, we can start to challenge it, question it, and ultimately, change it.

    Healing the Wounded Masculine: Let’s Get to Work

    Healing this mess starts with acknowledging it. We need to have honest, no-bullshit conversations about what it means to be a man today. We need to talk about our fears, our struggles, and our emotional pain without feeling like we’re less of a man for it.

    Next, we need to change how we interact with other men. Instead of seeing each other as competition, we need to start seeing each other as allies. We’re all in this shit together, after all.

    Step 1: Acknowledge Your Feelings

    Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit down, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Allow yourself to feel whatever emotions are coming up. Don’t judge or try to change them, just let them be.

    Step 2: Identify Your Wounds

    Think about the behaviors and patterns that might indicate a wounded divine masculine within you. Are you overly competitive? Do you have a need to control everything? Do you avoid showing vulnerability at all costs? Write these down in a journal.

    Step 3: Reflect on Their Origins

    Try to identify where these behaviors and patterns come from. Did they start in childhood? Can you link them to specific events or influences? Write down any insights you gain.

    Step 4: Practice Self-Compassion

    Look at yourself in the mirror and acknowledge your wounds. Say to yourself, “I see you. I see your pain. And it’s okay.” This is a crucial step in healing – acknowledging your pain without judgment.

    Step 5: Visualize Your Divine Masculine

    Close your eyes and visualize what your divine masculine looks like when he’s healed. What qualities does he have? How does he behave? How does he feel? Write these down in your journal.

    Step 6: Affirm Your Healing

    Look at yourself in the mirror again and affirm your healing. Say to yourself, “I am healing. I am embracing my divine masculine. I am whole.”

    Step 7: Change Your Interactions

    Next, we need to change how we interact with other men. Instead of seeing each other as competition, we need to start seeing each other as allies. We’re all in this shit together, after all.

    Step 8: Embrace Emotional Expression

    Finally, we must embrace emotional expression as a part of our masculinity. Society often tells us that “real men” don’t show emotions, but that’s a load of crap. Real strength lies in being able to acknowledge and express our feelings. It’s about being a manly man who isn’t afraid to show his emotions, who doesn’t equate vulnerability with weakness. It’s about understanding that our emotions are a part of us, and expressing them doesn’t make us any less of a man. In fact, it makes us more human.

    Healing the wounded masculine isn’t about suppressing our masculinity or becoming less of a man. It’s about redefining what it means to be a man – a man who can be strong and sensitive, assertive and empathetic, confident and compassionate. It’s about creating a new narrative of masculinity, one where we can be true to ourselves and live a life that we don’t hate.

    Remember, healing is a journey, not a destination. Repeat this exercise daily or as often as needed. The wound of the divine masculine involves our relationship with women and men, so healing it requires deep healing of our inner feminine. We must also heal our relationship with ourselves, as we are all masculine and feminine energy equally. When we heal ourselves, we open up the possibility for others to do the same.


    Healing the Wounded Divine Masculine: A Personal Journey

    Healing the wounded divine masculine is a deeply personal journey. It’s not about becoming less of a man or more “feminine”. It’s about becoming kinder to oneself, working through trauma, and freeing oneself from internal suffering. It’s about becoming a man who carries empathy and compassion for others. I’ve seen this transformation firsthand in my husband, a combat USMC veteran with PTSD.

    Our Journey:

    My husband’s journey of healing his wounded masculine over the last 14 years has been nothing short of extraordinary. He didn’t become a “huge pussy” or overly “feminine”. Instead, he became kinder to himself, working through a lifetime of trauma from childhood to war. He developed empathy and compassion for others, and a lot of his internal suffering was freed.

    In his journey, we’ve used a mixture of traditional therapy & meds, which basically bought him time until we met and the real healing began. Going deep into the psyche through my intuitive guidance, we embarked on a transformative journey together.

    We took a trip to Peru for an ayahuasca journey, a powerful spiritual experience that opened up new avenues of healing. We also used ecstasy, marijuana, and psychedelic mushrooms, all in connection with unconventional talk therapies and metaphysical healing. These experiences weren’t just about escaping reality or getting a temporary high. They were about confronting the wounds, understanding them, and ultimately, healing them.

    The Transformation:

    The transformation in my husband has been profound. He’s still the strong, resilient man he always was. But now, he’s also more in touch with his emotions. He’s more empathetic, compassionate, and at peace with himself. He’s a testament to the fact that healing the wounded masculine doesn’t mean losing your masculinity. It means redefining it in a healthier, more holistic way.

    Healing the wounded divine masculine is a journey, not a destination. It’s a process of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-love. And while it’s not always easy, it’s always worth it. Because at the end of the day, we all deserve to live a life free from pain, full of love, and true to ourselves.


    Use the “Unmask Your True Self” Workbook

    The “Unmask Your True Self” workbook can be a powerful tool to supplement this exercise. It dives deep into areas that help you peel away layers and fully reveal your authentic self. The workbook, along with the Unmask Bundle, offers a richer, more comprehensive journey into self-discovery, supplemented with video training lessons, audio lessons, meditations, and bonus courses. This multi-modal learning approach makes you feel more connected and supported in your healing journey. Get started for just $7 or upgrade for $37


  • Get Your Sh*t Together: 7 No-BS Tips for Boosting Your Emotional Health

    Get Your Sh*t Together: 7 No-BS Tips for Boosting Your Emotional Health

    We all know the drill when it comes to physical health, right? Eat your veggies, hit the gym, don’t mainline donuts – pretty straightforward. But what about your emotional health? That’s a whole different ball game, and it’s high time we started paying attention. So buckle up, buttercup, because we’re diving headfirst into the world of emotional wellness.

    1. Give Yourself a Damn Break (Focus on Self-Compassion)

    First things first, stop being such a hard-ass on yourself. Self-compassion is the name of the game here. Screwed something up? It happens. Instead of beating yourself up, try treating yourself with a little kindness. Celebrate your wins, big or small, and do something nice for yourself every day. Yes, that means you can totally justify that Netflix binge.

    2. Clear Out the Crap (Declutter Your Mind)

    Life can be a chaotic mess. Between work, relationships, and that weird smell coming from your kitchen, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. It’s time to Marie Kondo your mind, folks. Cut out the crap that’s not serving you and focus on what really matters. You’re the boss of your life, so act like it.

    3. Ditch the Junk (Clean Up Physical Clutter)

    Speaking of clutter, let’s talk about your physical space. Ever tried to find your keys in a room that looks like a bomb went off? Not fun. Clean up your space, and you’ll be amazed at how much it can improve your mental state. And no, shoving everything in a closet doesn’t count.

    4. Get Your Feelings in Check (Understanding Emotional Health)

    Emotional health is more than just “not feeling like crap.” It’s about understanding and managing your emotions, building positive relationships, and not feeling like you’re on an emotional roller coaster 24/7. So let’s get our sh*t together and start taking our emotional health seriously.

    5. Chill the Hell Out (Practice Stress Management Techniques)

    Stress is a part of life, but that doesn’t mean you have to let it run the show. Find some stress-busting techniques that work for you – whether that’s yoga, journaling, or screaming into a pillow (we’ve all been there). The key is to make these techniques a regular part of your life, not just a last-ditch effort when you’re on the verge of a meltdown.

    6. Feel Your Feelings (Get in Touch with Your Emotions)

    You’ve got feelings. Lots of ’em. And it’s important to check in with them regularly. Take some time each day to reflect on how you’re feeling and why. This isn’t about overanalyzing every little emotion, but rather understanding what’s going on in that noggin of yours.

    7. Find Your Tribe (Foster Positive Relationships)

    Surround yourself with people who lift you up, not drag you down. Positive relationships are a huge part of emotional health, so find your tribe and stick with ’em. And remember, it’s quality over quantity here. A few good friends are worth more than a thousand frenemies.

    Look, life’s a wild ride, and it’s easy to let our emotional health take a backseat. But it’s time to stop treating our feelings like an afterthought. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to better emotional health. So let’s get out there and start living our best damn lives.

    Ready to dive even deeper into your emotional health journey? Grab my kickass workbook, UNMASK, and start unmasking your true self today. Get UNMASK here. It’s only $7.


  • Unleash Your Intuition: Gain the F**king Advantage You’ve Been Missing!

    Unleash Your Intuition: Gain the F**king Advantage You've Been Missing!

    Are you tired of feeling stuck in life? Fed up with making decisions that don’t align with your true self? Well, it’s time to tap into your intuition and unleash the power within! In this kick-ass blog post, we will dive deep into why intuition is the ultimate advantage, both in your personal life and in business. So buckle up, buttercup, and let’s get this party started!

    Why Intuition Is Your Secret Weapon

    Listen up, my friends, because I’m about to drop some truth bombs on you. Intuition is not some fluffy, magical unicorn concept. It’s a real-deal superpower that can guide you through life like a boss. Your intuition is that gut feeling, that inner voice, that tingling sensation that tells you what the f**k to do. It’s your built-in GPS to navigate through the ups and downs of life.

    The Science Behind Intuition: It’s Not Just Woo-Woo Sh*t

    Now, I know some of you skeptics out there are rolling your eyes, thinking, “Yeah, right, this is just woo-woo sh*t.” Well, hold on to your panties, because science is here to back me up. Research has shown that intuition is not some mystical hocus-pocus; it’s a result of your brain processing information at lightning speed. Your subconscious mind is a badass machine that picks up on subtle cues, patterns, and past experiences, giving you that “aha!” moment when you need it most.

    Trust Your Gut: How to Hone Your Intuition

    So, how the f**k do you tap into this superpower and sharpen your intuition? It all starts with trusting your gut. Yeah, I know it can be scary as hell to rely on something that’s not concrete and logical, but guess what? Your intuition has your back, my friend. Start by paying attention to those intuitive nudges, those feelings that tell you something is off or that you’re on the right track. 

    1. Get to Know Your Badass Self: Take a deep dive into your own mind, emotions, and behavior. Get freakin’ self-aware and understand what makes you tick. Embrace your strengths, acknowledge your weaknesses, and own your unique quirks.

    2. Shut the F**k Up and Listen: Carve out time to shut out the noise of the world and get quiet with yourself. Disconnect from the endless distractions and find your Zen zone. Meditation, breathing exercises, or simply chilling in nature can help you dial down the external chaos and amplify your inner voice.

    3. Tune in to Your Bodily Bells and Whistles: Your body is a f**king powerhouse of intuitive signals. Pay attention to those gut feelings, goosebumps, or even the hair on the back of your neck standing up. Your body knows what’s up, so don’t ignore its wise-ass messages.

    4. Trust That Gut Instinct: Embrace your inner badass and trust your instincts, even if they don’t make logical sense. That’s right, let your intuition take the wheel and steer you in the right direction. Sometimes it’s that “holy sh*t” feeling that leads to the most epic decisions.

    5. Practice Makes Intuitive: Start flexing your intuition muscles by making small decisions based on those gut feelings. Test the waters and see how your intuition guides you. Learn from the outcomes, whether they’re freakin’ fantastic or not so great, and use that knowledge to level up your intuitive game.

    6. Reflect, Learn, and Rock On: Take some time to reflect on your intuitive decisions and their results. Celebrate the victories, learn from the mishaps, and keep growing. Each experience is a f**king lesson that helps you fine-tune your intuition and become an even bigger badass.

    7. Embrace Your Inner Creative Freak: Unleash your creative side, whether it’s through writing, dancing, painting, or anything that tickles your fancy. Engaging in creative activities opens up channels to your subconscious mind and cranks up your intuitive power. So, get weird and embrace the funky creative energy within you.

    8. Seek Solitude like a Rebel: Sneak away from the crowd and find some quality alone time. Embrace solitude like a boss and recharge your intuitive batteries. Journaling, nature walks, or just sitting alone with your thoughts can help you tap into that intuitive mojo.

    9. Hang with the Intuition Crew: Surround yourself with people who freaking get it. Seek out supportive friends who believe in the power of intuition and personal growth. Engage in deep conversations and collaborate with badass individuals who inspire and uplift you on your intuitive journey.

    10. Enjoy the Intuition Rollercoaster: Remember, embracing your intuition is a wild ride. Embrace the twists and turns, the ups and downs. It’s a continuous journey of growth and self-discovery. Be kind to yourself, be patient, and trust that your intuition will always have your back.


    Intuition in Business: From Side Eye to Success

    Now, let’s talk about how intuition can kick some serious ass in the business world. You know those successful entrepreneurs who seem to have a knack for making the right moves and crushing it? Yeah, you guessed it—they’re tapping into their intuition like a boss. Intuition can guide you in making strategic decisions, spotting opportunities, and connecting with your audience on a deep level. It’s your secret weapon to stand out from the competition and create a business that’s authentically you. So, embrace your intuition, my friend, and watch your business soar!

    Our subconscious mind is 10,000X more powerful than our conscious mind

    We all know that our subconscious mind is a powerful tool, but let me blow your mind with the extent of its power. Brace yourselves, my friends, because this sh*t is mind-blowing!

    Humans can make decisions in mere seconds with the power of our subconscious mind. Yeah, you heard that right. These decisions usually happen so fast that we don’t even realize we’ve made them. It’s like our subconscious mind is playing a badass game of decision-making ninja behind the scenes. And here’s the mind-blowing part—the subconscious mind is a whopping 10,000 times more powerful than our conscious mind. Woah!

    It’s not something we’re taught to do; it’s an innate part of being human. We don’t need to be told that we should be able to make quick decisions. Our subconscious mind just kicks into high gear and makes sh*t happen. It’s like having a supercomputer wired into our brains, crunching data, recognizing patterns, and delivering lightning-fast insights.

    Take a moment to let that sink in. All of the world’s greatest minds, from Albert Einstein to Steve Jobs, tapped into the epic power of their subconscious minds. They achieved their significant contributions to science and technology by trusting their intuition, often outside the realm of available data, and many times in a f**king flash. These badass geniuses knew how to listen to that inner voice, that intuitive hunch that led them to groundbreaking discoveries and innovations.

    So, my friends, it’s time to unleash the untapped power of your subconscious mind. Embrace your intuition and trust your gut. Your subconscious mind is a force to be reckoned with, and it’s there to guide you, support you, and help you make decisions that will rock your world.

    Remember, you have a powerhouse within you that’s 10,000 times stronger than your conscious mind. Don’t underestimate it—tap into it. Trust your intuition, make quick decisions like a badass, and watch the magic unfold.

    Now, let’s go out there and unleash the power of our subconscious minds. We’ve got sh*t to conquer, dreams to chase, and a world to f**king rock!

    Get Your Hands on the UNMASK Workbook and Unleash Your True Self!

    Alright, you fearless warriors, it’s time to unmask your true self and unleash your intuition to its full potential. I’ve got something special for you—an epic workbook called UNMASK. This tool will guide you through a journey of self-discovery, helping you peel back the layers and reveal your authentic, kick-ass self. Say goodbye to the masks you’ve been wearing and step into your power. Don’t miss out on this game-changing opportunity, so grab your copy of UNMASK today and let’s kick some serious ass together!

    Ready to unmask your true self? Get your copy of UNMASK now and embrace the power of your intuition! [Link to]

    Remember, humans, your intuition is your f**king advantage in life and business. Don’t ignore it—embrace it. Trust your gut, tap into your inner badass, and let your intuition guide you to the success you deserve. Now, go out there and kick some serious ass!


  • Kick Your Limiting Beliefs to the Curb: A No-Bullshit Guide to Personal Growth

    Kick Your Limiting Beliefs to the Curb: A No-Bullshit Guide to Personal Growth

    You’ve got these pesky limiting beliefs, right? Those nasty little thoughts that sneak up on you and whisper, “Nah, you can’t do that.” Well, it’s time to tell them to piss off.

    What the Hell are Limiting Beliefs Anyway?

    First things first, let’s get clear on what we’re dealing with. Limiting beliefs are those bullshit ideas that keep you from reaching your goals. They’re like that annoying little sibling who won’t stop poking you. They’re based on past experiences, other people’s opinions, or even well-meaning but utterly wrong advice. And they’re sneaky as hell, hiding in the background, causing you to doubt yourself and miss out on opportunities.

    My Own Battle with Limiting Beliefs

    I’ve had my own run-ins with these little bastards. I had this one that kept telling me, “You’re not good enough.” It was like a dark cloud, always there, making me feel like crap. But one day, I decided enough was enough. I acknowledged that this belief was holding me back, and I kicked its ass. I changed my mindset, adopted new empowering beliefs, and guess what? It worked! I broke through that plateau and achieved even greater success. So, how do you do the same?

    1. Question Your Beliefs

    Start by asking yourself why you believe what you believe. Are your beliefs based on facts or just feelings? Once you’ve figured out where your beliefs come from, you can start questioning whether they’re true. More often than not, you’ll find they’re based on irrational fears or outdated information.

    2. Reframe Your Beliefs

    If your beliefs are still shouting at you after questioning them, it’s time to reframe them. Change the way you think about your beliefs to see them in a more positive light. For example, if you believe taking risks will only lead to failure, try focusing on the potential positive outcomes instead.

    3. Take Action Anyway

    This might sound crazy, but it works. Prove to yourself that your beliefs are bullshit by taking action despite your fears. Once you see that nothing terrible happens when you face your fears, you’ll realize they were unfounded. Plus, taking action will boost your confidence and inspire others to do the same.

    My 5-Step Process to Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

    Here’s my no-bullshit process for overcoming those deep-rooted limiting beliefs that have been messing with your life.

    1. Identify: Figure out what’s holding you back and where it comes from.
    2. Evaluate: Look at how often this belief has shown up in your life. Has it driven you to success or kept you on a path someone else wanted for you?
    3. Release: Now that you’ve identified and evaluated your belief, it’s time to let that shit go. Learn from it, face your fears, and move the fuck on.
    4. Reinforce: Make your new belief stronger by creating new habits and practicing them regularly.
    5. Take Aligned Action: Strategy results from aligned action. It’s time to create yours.

    Remember, you’re human. You’re not always going to get it right, and that’s okay. The key is to keep working on your mindset, just like you’d maintain your car. Without regular maintenance, your old beliefs will come back to haunt you.

    So, are you ready to kick your limiting beliefs to the curb and unlock your full potential?

    If you’re serious about personal growth and ready to unmask your true self, grab my workbook UNMASK here. It’s time to stop letting your bullshit hold you back. Let’s do this!


  • Harnessing Your Emotions: The Secret Sauce to Business Success

    Harnessing Your Emotions: The Secret Sauce to Business Success

    Alright, let’s cut the crap and get straight to the point. Emotions in business? Hell yeah! They’re not just some fluffy stuff you can ignore. They’re the real deal, the secret sauce, the magic ingredient that can make or break your business. So, buckle up, buttercup, because we’re about to dive deep into the world of emotions and business.

    Emotions: The Unsung Heroes in Business

    You’ve heard it before, right? “Emotions have no place in business.” Well, that’s a load of bull. Emotions are as much a part of business as spreadsheets and sales calls. They’re what make us human, and guess what? Businesses are run by humans, not robots (at least not yet). So, it’s high time we stop treating emotions like unwanted guests and start using them to our advantage.

    Emotions as Your Personal GPS

    Think of your emotions as your personal GPS. They’re there to guide you, to tell you when you’re on the right track or when you need to make a U-turn. Feeling good? You’re probably doing something right. Feeling like crap? It’s time to change something, pronto!

    Emotions as Decision-Making Tools

    Your emotions aren’t just there to make you feel all warm and fuzzy (or cold and prickly). They’re also incredibly useful tools for making better decisions. They can give you insight into your motivations, desires, and even warn you if you’re about to do something that could harm your business. So, listen to them. They’re smarter than you think.

    Don’t Be a Puppet to Your Emotions

    Now, don’t get me wrong. While emotions are important, you shouldn’t let them control you. You’re the boss, remember? Use your emotions as a guide, but don’t let them dictate your actions. It’s all about finding that sweet spot between thinking with your head and feeling with your heart.

    Know Your Emotional Triggers

    We all have things that trigger negative emotions. Maybe it’s a snarky email from a client or a sales call gone wrong. Whatever it is, knowing your triggers can help you manage your emotions better and avoid unnecessary drama. Plus, understanding your emotions can help you create a more positive and productive work environment. Win-win!

    Use Positive Emotions to Your Advantage

    When you’re feeling good, you’re more likely to make better decisions and take actions that align with your goals. So, harness those positive vibes and use them to your advantage. And remember, success in business isn’t just about making money. It’s about understanding people, being present, and always staying curious.

    Be Present, Be Curious

    Being present and curious is the key to success in business. It’s about understanding people’s points of view, even if they’re different from yours. It’s about asking questions, listening to the answers, and showing empathy. It’s about being a human, not a business robot.

    My Journey: From Logic to Emotion

    When I first dipped my toes into business, my mentors were all about logic and rationality. “Keep your emotions out of it,” they’d say, “That’s the ticket to success.” But let me tell you, that was a load of horse crap.

    As I navigated the choppy waters of entrepreneurship, I realized something crucial. Being emotionally present isn’t just important; it’s damn near essential. Understanding people, and really getting where they’re coming from that’s the secret sauce to success. And it’s got everything to do with emotions.

    The Evolution: From Business Consulting to Intuitive Mentoring

    That’s why my business took a sharp turn from plain old business consulting to intuitive mentoring. I started focusing on helping humans, not just businesses. The common thread tying all my clients together? Emotional wellbeing. It was the missing piece of the puzzle, the key to unlocking their next big move, their major decisions, their understanding of the world around them.

    The Craving: Emotions, Feelings, and Humanity

    Let’s face it, the world is starving for a bit more humanity. We’re all craving for emotions, feelings, and seeing people as, well, people. So, what’s the first step? Awareness. Be aware of your emotions and how they color your interactions with others.

    The Key: Stay Present, Stay Curious

    Then, keep your eyes on the prize and stay present. Stay curious. If you can do that, you’ll understand people better, make better decisions, and unlock a world of opportunities. It’s time to get curious about business, folks.

    The Bottom Line: Business is All About People

    Business, at its core, is all about people. And guess what? People have emotions. You’re golden if you can tap into how people think and feel. Being curious and understanding other people’s perspectives that’s the real key to success. When you can do that, the business world is your oyster.

    Emotions are Crucial

    So, there you have it. Emotions are crucial to everything in business. They’re not something to be feared or ignored, but something to be understood and harnessed. With practice, you can master your emotions and use them to succeed in any area of life.

    Ready to take the next step?

    Check out my workbook, UNMASK. It’s designed to help you understand your emotions better and use them to your advantage in business.

    So, what are you waiting for? Get your copy now and start harnessing the power of your emotions today!


  • Embrace the Damn Change: It’s the Only Constant, Baby

    Embrace the Damn Change: It's the Only Constant, Baby

    Change is the only damn constant in life. That’s right, Heraclitus wasn’t just blowing smoke when he said that.

    Every single day, we’re handed golden opportunities to shake things up and make our lives better. But what do we do? We let those chances slip away because we’re scared shitless of change. We cling to our comfort zones like a baby to a pacifier. But here’s the kicker: life is moving forward, with or without us. If we’re not hustling to improve, we’re getting left in the dust.

    Heraclitus, I believe, says that all things pass and nothing stays, and comparing existing things to the flow of a river, he says you could not step twice into the same river.” – Plato.

    The Fear of Change

    “Everything flows and nothing abides; everything gives way and nothing stays fixed,” said good old Plato, talking about Heraclitus’ philosophy. But when the fear of change morphs into an irrational phobia, we’re talking about Metathesiophobia. This bad boy makes you feel like you’re on a runaway train with no control over your life. People with this phobia often live in the past and refuse to move forward, leading to a one-way ticket to Depressionville. This can screw up both their professional and personal lives.

    The Stagnation Station

    No growth or progress happens if we, as a society or country, give change the cold shoulder. The inability to change, progress, or grow can result in stagnation. And let me tell you, stagnation is about as exciting as watching paint dry. It’s a roadblock to realizing your full potential.

    The Choice is Yours, Pal

    Every moment is a choice. A chance to flip the script on your life. A chance to be the badass you want to be. An opportunity to make your life better. But we often let those moments slip away because we’re scared of change. We don’t want to leave our comfort zones. We don’t want to strive for something better. But we don’t realize that we’re falling behind by not changing.

    The Good, the Bad, and the Constant

    Change is inevitable. It’s a part of our lives, whether we like it or not. It can be scary, but it can also be exciting. It’s a chance to start fresh, learn new things, and grow as a person. While change can be difficult, it can also be a good thing. It’s an opportunity to improve our lives and make things better for ourselves and those around us. But not all change is good. Sometimes, it can lead to negative consequences. It can make our lives more complex and cause problems. However, even bad changes can teach us valuable lessons and help us to grow.

    The Tale of Mary

    Let’s talk about Mary. Mary was a creature of habit. She liked her routine and never ventured outside her comfort zone. But one day, she realized that she was just stagnating her life. She wasn’t growing or improving in any way. So she decided to shake things up. She started with small changes, like going for a walk or trying a new recipe. Then she pushed herself harder. She signed up for a dance class, even though she was terrified of dancing in front of others. She started working out, even though she didn’t enjoy being sweaty. Slowly but surely, Mary began to see results. She felt more energized and motivated. Her relationships improved. Change can be scary, but it’s gratifying when you finally take the plunge.

    Change is the only constant in life; the only way to be successful is by adapting to the changes around you. The best way to deal with change is to embrace it. Change can be difficult, and it isn’t always easy to adapt. However, the only way to be successful is by adapting to the changes around you. If you can learn to embrace change, you will be able to navigate life’s challenges easily.

    So, are you ready to embrace change?
    Are you ready to unmask your true self?

    If you’re nodding your head, then I’ve got just the thing for you. Check out my workbook, UNMASK.

    It’s designed to help you navigate the wild ride of change and come out the other side stronger and more badass than ever. So what are you waiting for? Get your copy now!