Embarking on the Journey of Spiritual Awakening: Embracing Life’s Other Side
Hello humans! Amy here. Today, we’re diving into the deep waters of spiritual awakening – this strange, baffling yet enriching journey and how one can actually begin to embrace it. We will tackle what this mysterious other side of life actually is, and question if it indeed needs to be embraced. So, strap in and let’s take this journey together.
Starting the Journey
I believe I’ve been on my own spiritual awakening journey for some time now. In fact, I think it quietly started taking shape before I even realized it when I began questioning things in my life. A defining moment, however, was during an Ayahuasca journey in Peru with my husband and friend. It didn’t magically solve everything but it profoundly changed my perspective and altered how I experienced life.
It’s worth noting that I wasn’t and still am not religious. Skepticism previously made me stay a little bit outside of my comfort zone when it came to faith or spirituality. But after my unique experience, I noticed an increase in the frequency of questioning everything around me. I started seeing my life through a different lens.
The Shift and Metamorphosis in Spiritual Awakening
In my interpretation, when we begin our spiritual awakening, we are actually embracing a deep connection with our higher self. This is a process of metamorphosis, of inner transformation, in other words, a shift in paradigm and perspective. Things begin to change, and the velocity of this change can vary for each individual. The ultimate result is a sort of rebirth, an opportunity to see life from an entirely different perspective.
“True self isn’t always visible at the beginning of the journey. But every step, whether big or small, brings us closer to our real selves.”
Harnessing Inner Guidance and Intuition
A crucial part of spiritual awakening is learning to tap into our inner guidance, which in essence, is our intuition. We all have this innate guidance system within. The only problem is, we aren’t taught how to use it.
So, our lives often see decisions made upon us without our consent, leading us to walk paths that might not resonate with our true selves. Most of our decisions are driven by fear, trauma, or insecurities rather than unwavering confidence. Harnessing our inner guidance, or intuition, helps us trust our instincts, and direct our lives according to our own desires rather than external influences.
Embracing the Journey and Recognizing the Real Self
During my spiritual awakening, I have learnt that this is an ongoing evolution, a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. The expectation of blissful constant highs in life is an illusion, and often leads to disheartening lows. I have experienced moments of frustration when things haven’t unfolded as per my expectations.
However, the journey has also been an enriching self-exploration, which has enabled me to get in touch with my true self, the person I am right now, in this moment, not the one shaped by fears or insecurities. Even small shifts in perspective can create significant adjustments in our lives.
Accepting the trials and tribulations of this journey is the key to embracing the process.
“The Spiritual Awakening is about realizing you’re the maverick of your life, forging your own path and creating your own destiny.”
The Power of Self Accountability
Self-accountability is a critical factor in the spiritual awakening journey. It lends to the process a level of grounding that prevents us from losing touch with our human selves. It is this blend of self-accountability and spirituality that guides us past the hurdles in this enigmatic path without slipping into a spiritual psychosis.
In conclusion, the spiritual awakening isn’t about being saved by some external power. It’s about saving ourselves, becoming self-aware, and embracing the ongoing journey of growth and transformation that we are all destined to undertake. It’s about discovering the vastness of our true selves in this grand adventure called life.
Let us remember to embrace this incredible journey for what it is – a beautifully imperfect, sometimes bewildering yet profoundly enriching exploration of our true selves.
Click Here to Watch My Soulful Journey on YouTube
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