Embracing the Flow: A Guide to Soul Alignment
Today, we are going to explore an often overlooked aspect of personal development: embracing the flow. For many of us, the hustle and push of everyday life can feel somewhat constant. There’s always something to do, some goal to reach, some problem to solve. While there’s certainly room for ambition and striving in life, it’s crucial to balance this energy with softer, more yielding moments of flow.
Who is ‘You’?
The first step to embracing your natural flow is understanding yourself on a deep and profound level. Often, we race after goals, dreams, and societal expectations that don’t necessarily align with our true desires and identities. But who are ‘you’ at your core?
You are more than just your body and your mind. Many believe in the concept of the soul, the eternal essence within us that experiences and learns from the world around us. This soul is who we truly are, and it resides within our physical form, observing, learning, and growing from life’s experiences.
The more in touch we are with our soul, the more we can live in harmony and alignment with our true selves.
Understanding the Soul
Truly knowing oneself requires not just recognizing your desires, but understanding your relationship with the world and with your self. This is where the concept of the ‘false self’ comes in. The false self is made up of unhealthily internalized beliefs, traumas, and societal expectations. Breaking these down and moving past them is a significant part of spiritual growth.
Depending on where you are in your journey, traditional therapy could be a great starting point for this work. However, if you find that traditional methods aren’t giving you the progress you desire, don’t hesitate to explore other avenues.
In the spirit of introspection, consider these open-ended questions:
- Why am I hesitant to make this decision?
- Why does the path I’m on feel wrong to me?
- Is this desire really mine, or am I trying to fulfill someone else’s expectations?
If these questions feel daunting, don’t fret. I’ve designed a workbook specifically for this sort of introspection. It’s available for only $7 and provides a solid foundation for your self-discovery journey.
Flow Over Force
When we learn to understand ourselves—our true self, not just our surface level being—we can begin to move with more grace and less strain. We don’t need to force things, hustle unnecessarily, or run ourselves ragged. Sometimes, the most powerful course of action is letting go and allowing the natural order of things to unfold.
As counterintuitive as it may seem, surrender can be the key to success. There’s profound wisdom and strength in letting go of control; we make room for new possibilities and experiences to flow into our lives.
Creating Your Path
Everyone has their own unique path in life and it’s important to remember there’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach to success. For me, maintaining a balanced, fluid lifestyle brings me satisfaction. Whether my business is soaring or times are tough, staying connected with people and living in alignment with my authentic self are my main priorities.
Indeed, the pitfalls of losing alignment can be severe. In 2019, I was lured by the glitz and glamour of automation, quick sales, and flashy success metrics. I had everything I had dreamed of—lead generations, automatic income, etcetera—yet I started feeling hollow inside.
Why? Because I was trying to fit into a success mold that didn’t align with my true self. I was feeding a false identity, losing touch with what truly represented me, which is connecting with people on a deeper level.
The Power of the Now
Here’s the kicker: Understanding the power of ‘now’ is the key to true fulfillment and abundance. When we’re present in the moment, we can attune to the flow of life, align with the natural rhythm of the universe, and create space for abundance to flow into our lives.
The next time you’re faced with a tough decision or you’re questioning your next move, ask yourself:
Is this really what I want?
Or, is this something my ‘false self’ thinks I need?
There’s immense power in discerning between these two questions.