A Real-Life Perspective on Overcoming Challenges
Today, I’m going to talk about something that I’ve experienced firsthand. It’s a topic close to my heart, one that I’m keen to share with you instead of always projecting everything in a positive light. Because everybody seems to post videos on YouTube where the journey is always an uphill trek, filled with success and obstacles overcome.
But the harsh reality is that sometimes the journey towards our dreams is not as fantastic and shiny as it’s made out to be. Today, we’ll delve into the challenges we face when we are doggedly chasing what we believe are our dreams.
If you’re new to my posts, let me introduce myself. I’m Danielle Aime, known for my straightforwardness and down-to-earth nature. I prefer to have real, raw conversations about real things in life. My aim today is to answer a question many of us struggle with: When is enough indeed enough in the pursuit of dreams?
The Influencer Enigma
We’ve all seen those individuals who seem to make it big overnight. They’re deemed influencers, boasting large followings and even larger revenue counts. It’s natural to glance at their lives and wonder, “why do they have that and not me?” I’ve certainly had times in my life where I’ve asked, “what the hell am I doing wrong?”, because success didn’t just land on my lap last Thursday.
There are those who speak openly about the journey, the struggle, the fact that success is seldom an overnight event. They quit their job on a Thursday and suddenly have an influx of clients. But you can’t help but wonder, was that just a part of their journey? Were the stars aligned for them to achieve success that quickly? Is it sustainable? Is it even real?
The Universally Frustrating Journey
Life can be incredibly frustrating, especially if you believe in things like the universe or higher powers. Though I have been pursuing my dream of having a business since 2008, the journey has been far from smooth. I’ve always been a creative spirit, making jewelry in fourth grade and sewing backpacks in high school – trying to sell handmade goods. That’s how my journey started, in the storage room outside my parents’ garage.
Yet, for all my desire and passion, the reality was stark: I had no clue what I was doing. I read inspiring stories of people who turned their Etsy stores into lucrative businesses, but that magic didn’t happen for me. Countless hours were spent behind my computer, working my ass off, only to score an occasional sale yielding little profit. It took until 2011 to feel any sense of accomplishment, despite trying every trick in the book.
This led me on a journey through graduate school, corporate jobs, and various business ventures, always in search of the elusive success formula. But I’ve since realized that we often find ourselves trapped in our path, creating obstacles for ourselves.
Time to Shift, Pivot, or Simply Get Honest?
Sometimes, it feels like we’re endlessly following the prescribed steps to success and yielding little to no result. That’s when the question arises, is it time to stop? Is it time to pivot? Or is it time to get real with ourselves and assess what we truly want?
You have to ask yourself, have you been too comfortable? Have you actually been trying, or have you just been feeding your ego?
In my years of pursuing success, I’ve realized it’s not about chasing a wrong dream. It’s about feeding our ego instead of working towards desired outcomes. I’ve been guilty of spending vast amounts on coaching because that’s ‘what successful people do’. But here’s a reality check: you don’t have to go broke or deep into credit card debt to get ahead.
Chicken or the Egg: A Puzzling Dilemma
It’s not about not doing anything. It’s about not doing the same thing, expecting a different result. If you’re stuck in the same cycle, generating the same outcomes, it’s time to pause and reassess your approach. Maybe the way you’re trying to achieve your dream isn’t working. Maybe you’re not giving it your all.
In my own journey, I’ve identified areas where I was lazy, lacked clarity, or simply didn’t follow through. I also neglected to build a solid foundation for my business, which led to its downfall when times were tough.
Accountability: The Unsung Hero
The truth is, we often don’t hold ourselves accountable. We tend to complain without taking actionable steps towards improvement. This journey is not about overcoming challenges with four easy steps. It’s about appreciating small steps, celebrating the little wins, and holding oneself accountable.
No matter how much money you’ve made or how spiritually evolved you are, it doesn’t stop the human experience. It doesn’t stop the feelings that come with it. And it sure doesn’t stop the self-destruction we can cause in our own lives.
So, hold on tight as we navigate this thing called life.
Life is not always easy, but it’s an experience, for sure.