The Pursuit of Happiness: Redefining Success and Joy in Life
We all know how much we crave success, and today, we’re going to explore one significant aspect of it – happiness. So, sit back comfortably and enjoy this read about rediscovering happiness and carving out your own sweet spot in your life journey.
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The Subjectivity of Happiness
Happiness, as we perceive it, is a concept shrouded in subjectivity. Many of us, consciously or unconsciously, latch our definitions of happiness onto unrealistic expectations, societal norms or standards, or comparisons to other people’s lives. This often creates a paradigm where we are constantly chasing after an elusive state of bliss, at the expense of appreciating our own unique journeys.
“Sometimes you have to pause and realize, am I making decisions? And is this outcome different simply because I’m honoring my differences, because I am aware of my being and realize, like, I’m incredibly different?”
This realization that we are unique beings can significantly shift our perception of happiness.
Though happiness is often considered a constant state or end-goal to strive for, it truly isn’t as linear or constant as we make it out to be. Life isn’t always happiness-filled, and that’s okay. In fact, experiencing other emotions and perspectives is essential to our growth and self-nurturing, and can be seen as freeing rather than confining.
To illustrate this, imagine your emotions as little beings inside you, just like in the Disney movie Inside Out – and each emotion sometimes needs a break to allow others to take charge for a while. It’s all part of a healthy emotional ecosystem.
Two Key Ingredients: Awareness and Acceptance
For success and fulfillment, two crucial ingredients are awareness and acceptance. The power of these two as a team helps unleash significant growth. They enable us to release suppressed emotions or thoughts, challenge societal assumptions, and redefine success to be more aligned with ourselves.
Achieving awareness and acceptance can put you on a journey to understanding happiness on a deeper and more personalized level.
The Constraints of Perceived Success
Let’s look at a common misunderstanding around success. Many people, especially business owners, subscribe to the bullish ambition of earning six figures. But is quantifying success in this way inherently wrong? Not necessarily, it only becomes problematic when we hold ourselves up in a box to match these externally-defined parameters.
Success and happiness can mean different things for different individuals. For some, the path to personal progression and satisfaction may be in a traditional career rather than entrepreneurship. It doesn’t make it any less valuable or indicate that they’re less successful. As humans, we have a right to design our life equations as per what suits us the best.
Redefining Success Through the Lens of Consciousness
As we grow and evolve, our perception of success changes too. For example, what we used to see as freedom might be a different now. Bear in mind, it’s crucial for us to allow this change. Let us accept that what works for someone else might not work for us and vice versa.
“Create your own journey and define forms of what you desire for you, not what anybody else says and what anybody else thinks.”
Life is not a constant path; it’s perfectly okay to take turns and change lanes. Remember, that’s what makes it so beautiful.
Balance – The Yin and Yang of Energy!
In life, we play different roles and exhibit various attributes. Maintaining a harmonic balance between our masculine (being action-oriented) and feminine (being nurturing) energy paves the way to unlocking our fullest potential.
Learning about oneself, creating safe spaces for self-discovery, and expressing unconditional love for oneself can lead us on a path of ascension and growth. As we bloom and unify the human with the soul, the spiritual with the material, we craft a more fulfilled and content life.
Remember, happiness isn’t an outcome or a thing, it’s an energy pattern residing within you that surfaces from a harmonious state of being.
In closing, embrace the changes life throws at you, strive to soar and fly. After all, life isn’t meant to be linear, and each dip and curve only makes you more human. Strive for change and growth, not just fulfillment. And bear in mind, you’re doing great, regardless of where you are right now.