Month: November 2022

  • 10 Steps to Find Your Flow: Unleashing Your Inner Badass

    10 Steps to Find Your Flow: Unleashing Your Inner Badass

    Ready to dive into the world of finding your flow? Buckle up because we’re about to embark on a journey that’s going to change your life: no fluff, no sugar-coating, just straight-up, raw advice. Let’s get started, shall we?

    1. Get Clear on What You Want

    First things first, you need to know what the hell you want. I’m not talking about “I want a million dollars” or “I want to lose 10 pounds.” I’m talking about what you want in your core, in your soul. What sets your heart on fire? What makes you feel alive? If you’re not sure, check out this blog post about finding your purpose.

    2. Set Your Goals

    Once you know what you want, it’s time to set some fucking goals. And not just any goals, but SMART goals. That’s Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. “I want to be happy” is a shit goal. “I want to start a dog-walking business in the next six months” is a SMART goal.

    3. Get in the Right Mindset

    Your mindset is everything. If you think you’re going to fail, guess what? You’re going to fail. But if you believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals, you’re already halfway there. So get your head in the game and start believing in yourself.

    4. Find Your Flow

    Flow is that magical state where you’re so absorbed in what you’re doing that you lose track of time. It’s when you’re in the zone, completely focused and engaged. It’s a state of joy, creativity, and total immersion. And it’s fucking awesome.

    According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a pioneer in the field of flow research, there are six factors of flow:

    • Intense and focused concentration on the present moment
    • Merging of action and awareness
    • Loss of reflective self-consciousness
    • Sense of personal control over the situation or activity
    • Distortion of temporal experience
    • Experience of the activity as intrinsically rewarding

    To find your flow, you need to engage in activities that are challenging but well-suited to your skills. It could be anything from painting to playing chess to running a marathon. The key is to find something you love and lose yourself in it.

    5. Practice, Practice, Practice

    Finding your flow isn’t a one-and-done deal. It takes practice. So whatever it is that gets you in the zone, do it. And do it often. The more you practice, the easier it will be to slip into that state of flow.

    6. Take Care of Your Body

    Your body is your temple, and if you want to find your flow, you need to take care of it. That means eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. When your body feels good, your mind feels good. And when your mind feels good, finding your flow is a piece of cake.

    7. Surround Yourself with Positivity

    The people and environment around you can have a huge impact on your ability to find your flow. Surround yourself with positive people who support your goals and dreams. Create a workspace that inspires creativity and focus. And most importantly, get rid of any negative energy that’s holding you back.

    8. Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

    Failure is a part of life. It’s how we learn and grow. So don’t be afraid to fail. In fact, embrace it. Each failure is just another step on the path to success. And remember, the only true failure is not trying at all.

    9. Celebrate Your Successes

    When you achieve a goal, no matter how small, celebrate it. Give yourself a pat on the back. Treat yourself to something nice. Celebrating your successes not only feels good, but it also reinforces the positive behavior that got you there in the first place.

    10. Keep Going

    Finding your flow isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. And like any journey, there will be ups and downs, twists and turns. But no matter what, keep going. Keep striving for your goals. Keep finding your flow. Because in the end, it’s all worth it.

    So there you have it. Ten steps to finding your flow and unleashing your inner badass. Now get out there and start living your best life. And if you need a little extra help, check out this Unmask Your True Self Guide. It’s packed full of exercises and tips to help you find your flow and align with your purpose.


  • Cut the Crap: Ditching Egoism and Embracing Compassion

    Cut the Crap: Ditching Egoism and Embracing Compassion

    Alright, folks, let’s cut the shit. Are you sick and tired of the ego-driven bullshit that’s clouding your life? Ready to unlock the power of compassion and become a less self-centered person? Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’re about to dive deep into the murky waters of egoism and come out with a heart full of compassion. Buckle up; it’s going to be a wild ride.

    Stop Being the Center of Your Universe

    First, it’s time to stop thinking you’re the center of the universe. I know, I know, it’s a tough pill to swallow. But reducing egoism doesn’t mean you’re giving up your individuality. It’s about realizing that there are billions of people in this world, and guess what? They’re all worthy of your love and respect. It’s not all about you, sunshine. Time to get off your high horse and develop a sense of humility.

    Give a Damn, Give to Others

    Next up, start giving a damn about others. Compassion isn’t just about feeling sorry for those in need; it’s about getting off your ass and doing something to help. Whether it’s volunteering at a soup kitchen, donating to an animal shelter, or simply helping an old lady cross the street, every little bit counts. When you give to others, you’re creating a ripple effect of positivity and making the world a less shitty place.

    Be Grateful, Not a Grump

    Now, let’s talk about gratitude. Take a moment each day to think about all the good things in your life. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have (like that fancy car or the latest iPhone), remind yourself of the countless blessings that you do have. Practicing gratitude is a beautiful way to reduce egoism and cultivate compassion for others.

    Ditch the Self-Criticism

    Finally, it’s time to ditch the self-criticism. Instead of beating yourself up for every mistake you make, focus on self-acceptance and self-love. Start viewing yourself as a valuable and lovable human being, and you’ll be able to approach the world with an open heart and an open mind.

    Deep Dive into Egoism

    We all have egos, but some people’s egos are bigger than others (you know who you are). A healthy ego helps us feel good about ourselves and take pride in our actions. However, an unhealthy ego leads to arrogance and selfishness. It also makes us less likely to help others because we think they won’t appreciate us.

    Egoism manifests itself in our lives in different ways. It could be through self-centeredness, arrogance, or unkindness. Once we understand egoism, we can work to overcome it.

    The Power of Compassion

    Compassion is not just a nice thing to do; it’s necessary. As humans, we need to care for each other. Without compassion, we would never survive.

    Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we recognize our woundedness can we understand and have compassion for the woundedness of others.

    Breaking Free from Ego

    So how do we break free from the chains of ego? By practicing compassion–both for ourselves and others. When we see ourselves and others as wounded beings struggling, it becomes easier to have compassion for them. We can see that everyone is fighting their own battles, just as we are fighting ours.


    Compassion is at the heart of all spiritual traditions because it is at the heart of what it means to be human. We all have wounds—it’s simply a part of being alive. But when we can find compassion for ourselves and others, it helps us to heal our wounds and move forward in life with grace and ease. Understanding the power of emotions is a crucial part of this journey.

    Ready to unmask your true self and embrace compassion? Check out our Unmask Guide and start your journey towards a more compassionate life today.


  • The Silent Scream: Unmasking Male Depression and Suicide

    The Silent Scream: Unmasking Male Depression and Suicide

    Why is men's mental health ignored?

    Let’s  talk about the elephant in the room – male depression and suicide. Why is men’s mental health treated like Voldemort in Harry Potter, something so terrifying we dare not speak its name? It’s high time we stop ignoring this shit and start taking it seriously.

    The Ugly Truth

    Here’s a bitter pill: men are more likely to have depression and commit suicide than women. Yeah, you heard it right. In our society, it’s perfectly fine for a woman to spill her guts about her feelings and seek help for her mental health. But when a guy does the same, he’s told to “man up” and “deal with it.” What a load of bull, right?

    Men are expected to be these emotionless robots, always strong, stoic, and in control. But guess what? Men are human too, and they’re just as susceptible to mental health issues as women are. One in eight men will experience depression, and one in five will experience anxiety.

    The Grim Statistics

    Let’s talk numbers. Men are twice as likely to commit suicide as women in the United States. On average, there are 130 suicides daily, and white males accounted for nearly 70% of suicide deaths in 2020. If that doesn’t scream, “we have a problem,” I don’t know what does.

    Digging Deeper: The Root of the Problem

    The biggest issue with men’s mental health is that it’s seen as a sign of weakness. Men are taught to bottle up their emotions, leading to resentment, anger, and eventually, a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. This emotional constipation can also lead to substance abuse and other destructive behaviors.

    Let’s take a look at the wounded masculine. Due to societal stigmas and trauma, men aren’t taught HOW to feel and express themselves. Many don’t even have someone to confide in to feel heard. They chalk it up to being stubborn or “just how they are.” But that’s the very thing that begins to eat them alive inside.

    Practical Advice: How to Express Emotions

    Men, it’s time to break the mold. Start by acknowledging your feelings. It’s okay to feel sad, angry, or anxious. These are normal human emotions, and it’s healthy to express them. Find a safe space where you can talk about your feelings without judgment. This could be a trusted friend, a family member, or a mental health professional.

    Men vs. Women: The Mental Health Battle

    Although men and women experience mental health issues at similar rates, some key differences exist. Women are more likely to internalize their feelings and become depressed, while men are more likely to externalize their feelings and become angry or aggressive. Women are also more likely to seek help for their mental health issues than men are.

    The Stigma Around Men’s Mental Health

    Another reason men’s mental health is often ignored is its stigma. There is a perception that mentally healthy people are weak and mentally unhealthy people are crazy. This stigma leads many people—men in particular—to believe that they should be able to deal with their mental health issues independently, without help from others.


    The Power of Emotions

    Understanding the power of emotions is crucial in addressing men’s mental health. We need to break down the barriers that stop men from seeking help. We must destigmatize mental illness and clarify that men can express their emotions.


    Encouragement: You’re Not Alone

    Remember, you’re not alone in this. There are many men out there who are going through the same struggles. Reach out to them. Join support groups or online communities where you can share your experiences and learn from others.

    This year, I’ve noticed a more prominent advocacy toward men’s mental health. Networks such as NGNB and Network for Men by Ian Hill are bringing awareness to male suicide and a voice to possibly save a life.


    Enough talk. It’s time to take action. If you’re struggling with mental health issues, don’t be afraid to seek help. Check out the Unmask guide and start your journey towards healing today.


  • The Damn Power of Your Mindset

    The Damn Power of Your Mindset

    The way you think about your life is a freaking game-changer. It’s the difference between living a life that’s as exciting as watching paint dry and one that’s as thrilling as a roller coaster ride. So, let’s dive into this deep pool of mindset and see how we can swim our way to a happier life.

    The Mindset: Your Life’s Steering Wheel

    Your mindset is like the steering wheel of your life. A positive mindset? You’re cruising down the highway with the top down, wind in your hair, and a killer playlist on the stereo. A negative mindset? You’re stuck in a traffic jam, it’s raining, and your radio’s busted.

    But here’s the kicker: both mindsets can be useful. It’s all about how you use them. A positive outlook can fuel your ambition and resilience, while a negative one can keep you grounded and realistic. So, don’t just sit there. Grab that steering wheel and drive your life in the direction you want.

    Know What the Hell You Want

    To get somewhere, you need to know where the hell you’re going. This means being crystal clear about what you want, why you want it, and how you’re going to get it. And let’s not forget about setting realistic expectations.

    Setting goals is like having a GPS for your life. They guide you, keep you motivated, and help you track your progress. Without them, you’re just driving aimlessly, and let’s be honest, that’s just a waste of gas. So, set some goals, make a plan, and get moving. And remember, don’t you dare give up!

    Visualize Success: See It to Be It

    If you want to achieve something, you’ve got to see yourself doing it. It’s like a mental rehearsal. You’re setting the intention and planting the seed of possibility. It’s like telling yourself, “Hell yeah, I can do this!”

    When you have a clear picture of what you want to achieve, it’s easier to take the necessary actions to make it happen. You’re more likely to stick to your plan and reach your goal. So, start visualizing your success today.

    Believe It’s Possible: Confidence Is Key

    People who believe they can succeed are like self-fulfilling prophecies. They’re more likely to achieve their goals than those who doubt themselves. So, when you set out to accomplish something, ensure you’re confident you’ll succeed.

    One way to boost your confidence is to set small goals you can achieve. Once you accomplish these goals, you’ll feel like you can conquer the world. So, start today by setting a small goal and working towards it. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.

    But what if your own limiting beliefs hold you back? We’ve all got those sneaky thoughts whispering, “You can’t do this.” Well, I’m here to tell you that you can. Check out this article on overcoming limiting beliefs and start breaking down those mental barriers today.

    Take Action: Don’t Just Dream, Do!

    Ever heard the phrase “fake it until you make it”? It’s not just about pretending to be successful. It’s about taking action, even when you’re not sure you can succeed.

    If you’re not happy with your current job, don’t just sit there and complain. Start looking for a new job that suits your skills and interests. Take steps to make that happen. Remember, success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and perseverance. But if you keep taking small steps towards your goals, you’ll eventually get there.

    Your Mindset: A Pair of Glasses

    Think of your mindset as a pair of glasses. If you’re always looking at life through rose-colored glasses, you’ll have a positive outlook. But if you’re constantly seeing the world through dark sunglasses, you’ll have a negative perspective.

    For example, if you’re trying to lose weight and you have a positive mindset, you’re more likely to stick with your diet and exercise plan. You’ll believe you can achieve your goal and be motivated to keep going. But if you have a negative mindset, you’re more likely to give up at the first sign of trouble.

    The same principle applies to any area of life. If you want to be successful, you need to have a positive mindset. Believe in yourself and your ability to achieve great things. But remember, a negative mindset can also be helpful in certain situations. It can keep you grounded and prevent you from getting too disappointed when things don’t go as planned.


    In a nutshell, a positive mindset is essential for success. It allows you to better deal with stress and challenges. But remember, the right mindset depends on your unique situation. You can use your mindset to your advantage by thinking positively and being determined. Having a positive mindset will lead you to a happier and more successful life.

    Ready to unmask your true self? Check out this guide and start your journey to self-discovery.


  • The Law of Attraction: A Straight-Talking, Tailor-Made Guide for Your Personality

    The Law of Attraction: A Straight-Talking, Tailor-Made Guide for Your Personality

    We’re about to dive headfirst into the Law of Attraction (LOA). You’ve probably heard about it, right? That magical law promises to deliver your dreams on a silver platter if you think positive thoughts. Sounds too good to be true? Well, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns, and that’s where most people get it wrong.

    The Real Deal with the Law of Attraction

    The Law of Attraction isn’t some one-size-fits-all solution. It’s not a magic wand you wave around to get what you want. It’s a belief that positive or negative thoughts can shape your life experiences. It’s about energy, vibes, and all that jazz. But here’s the kicker: it’s highly individualized. What works for one person might be a total flop for another. Why? Because we’re all unique, with different personalities and life experiences.

    Your Personality Matters

    Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty. There are four personality types when dealing with life’s ups and downs: the avoider, the suppressor, the sensitizer, and the balanced.

    The avoider is like that friend who ducks out of the room when things get heated. They prefer the familiar and often bury their feelings deep down.

    The suppressor, on the other hand, struggles to acknowledge their desires or needs. They’re often their worst critics and have difficulty expressing their feelings.

    Then we have the sensitizer, the emotional antenna of the group. They’re highly attuned to their emotions and needs but often feel overwhelmed by their feelings.

    And finally, the balanced personality type. They’ve got a healthy mix of the avoider and sensitizer qualities. They can acknowledge their feelings and needs but also take action and make changes in their lives.

    The Myers-Briggs Personality Test and LOA

    Ever heard of the Myers-Briggs personality test? It’s a tool that helps you understand your personality type, and it’s bloody useful when it comes to the Law of Attraction.

    The test examines four aspects of your personality: Extraversion vs. Introversion, Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. Feeling, and Judging vs. Perceiving. You’ll fall into one of 16 personality types depending on your preferences.

    Each type has a unique approach to using the Law of Attraction. For instance, if you’re an Introverted Sensing type, you should focus on what you can do to get closer to your goal. Visualize your goals in detail to make them a reality.

    On the other hand, if you’re an Extroverted Thinking type, you should create a step-by-step plan for manifesting your desires. Stay focused on your goals and avoid getting sidetracked.

    Practical Exercises for Each Personality Type

    Alright, let’s get down to business. Knowing your personality type is one thing, but how do you actually use that knowledge to make the Law of Attraction work for you? Here are some practical exercises for each personality type:

    1. The Avoider

    If you’re an avoider, you’re probably not a big fan of change. But guess what? Change is a part of life and is often necessary to attract what you want. So, your exercise is to gradually expose yourself to change. Start small. Change your routine, try new food, or take a different route to work. As you become more comfortable with small changes, you’ll find it easier to embrace the bigger changes that can bring you closer to your desires.

    2. The Suppressor

    Suppressors, you guys need to get in touch with your desires. Your exercise is to start a desire journal. Every day, write down something you want. It doesn’t matter how big or small it is. The point is to get comfortable with acknowledging your desires. Over time, you’ll find it easier to express what you want, a crucial step in the Law of Attraction.

    3. The Sensitizer

    Sensitizers, you’re often overwhelmed by your emotions. Your exercise is to practice mindfulness. This can help you distinguish between your thoughts and feelings. Start with just 5 minutes a day of focusing on your breath. As you get better at calming your mind, you’ll find it easier to focus on positive thoughts, which can help you attract more positive experiences.

    4. The Balanced

    Balanced folks, you’re pretty good at dealing with your feelings and taking action. Your exercise is to practice visualization. Spend a few minutes each day visualizing what you want to attract. The more vividly you can imagine it, the more real it will feel, and the more likely you are to attract it.

    Remember, these are just starting points. Feel free to tweak these exercises to better suit your needs. The key is to find a method that works for you and stick with it. With enough practice, you’ll become a Law of Attraction pro in no time.

    No matter what your personality type is, there’s a way for you to use the Law of Attraction effectively. So whether it’s focusing on self-love or enjoying the process, find a method that works for you and stick with it. With enough practice, manifestation will become second nature—and achieving your goals will be easier than ever.

    For more insights on how your personality affects your life, check out these articles on The Ego’s Consciousness and Egoism and Compassion.


  • Unlocking Your Money Emotions

    Unlocking Your Money Emotions: A Candid Guide to Financial Freedom

    Hey there, money maestro! Let’s talk about the green stuff, the dough, the moolah – yeah, you got it, money. It’s a necessary evil, right? We bust our asses for it, yet it slips through our fingers like sand. But what if I told you there’s a way to flip the script? To make money your friend, not your foe? Buckle up, because we’re diving deep into the world of healthy money emotions.

    Money: It’s Complicated, But It Doesn’t Have to Be

    Money is like that ex who keeps sliding into your DMs – you can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em. But here’s the kicker: the more you obsess over it, the less you seem to have. So, how about we stop treating money like a clingy partner and start seeing it as a tool? A tool that, when used right, can bring joy and abundance instead of stress and anxiety.

    Money Talks: Time to Listen Up

    If money could talk, it’d probably say, “Give me some respect!” Money, like us, is energy. It’s not evil, it’s not good – it’s neutral. It’s how we use it that matters. So, whether rolling in dough or scraping by, it’s time to rethink your relationship with money.

    Think about it. If you’re in a relationship with someone, you won’t ignore them, right? You’d listen to, understand, and treat them respectfully. The same goes for money. It’s not just about earning and spending. It’s about understanding how money works, how it flows, and how it can work for you.

    So, start treating money like a friend. Understand its value, but don’t let it control you. Remember, money is a tool, not a master.

    Mindset Makeover: From Scarcity to Abundance

    Want more money? Change your mindset. Stop seeing money as a scarce resource that causes stress and anxiety. Instead, view it as abundant energy available for everyone. Sounds a bit out there? Trust me, once you shift your mindset, you’ll start attracting more money without trying.

    This isn’t some magic trick or get-rich-quick scheme. It’s about changing your perspective. When you see money as a limited resource, you create stress and anxiety. But when you see it as an abundant resource, you create a sense of peace and confidence.

    This shift in mindset doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and practice. But once you make the shift, you’ll notice a difference. You’ll feel less stressed about money. You’ll make better financial decisions. And you’ll start attracting more money into your life.

    Practical Steps to Transform Your Money Mindset

    Alright, enough talk. Let’s get down to business. Here are some practical steps to transform your money mindset:

    1. Get clear about what you want: Journal your financial goals. Want to be debt-free? Want a fat savings account? Write it down. The universe can’t deliver if it doesn’t know what you want.
    2. Give thanks for what you have: Find things to be grateful for, even if your current financial situation isn’t ideal. Gratitude attracts abundance.
    3. Treat money with respect: Money is energy. Don’t waste it or hoard it. Use it wisely to support your dreams and goals.
    4. Understand the difference between having money and being rich: Money is just a tool to help you achieve your goals. True wealth comes from within.
    5. Let go of control: Trust that the universe will provide for you. Don’t guilt give, give generously without expecting anything in return.

    The Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back

    We all have limiting beliefs that hold us back from our true potential. These beliefs often stem from childhood experiences or societal programming. They’re like invisible chains, keeping us stuck in a cycle of scarcity and lack. But guess what? You can break free. Check out this article on 5 Steps to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs to learn how.

    Money is a Tool: Use It Wisely

    Remember, money is just a tool. It’s not good or bad – it’s what you do with it that counts. So, use your money to benefit yourself, those around you, and future generations. That’s what true wealth is all about.

    But how do you use money wisely? It starts with understanding your values and priorities. What’s important to you? What do you want to achieve in life? Once you know these things, you can use money as a tool to help you reach your goals.

    For example, if you value education, you might use your money to pay for a college degree or a professional certification. If you value travel, you might save up for a trip around the world. If you value helping others, you might donate to a charity or start a non-profit organization.

    Using money wisely also means avoiding unnecessary debt, saving for the future, and investing in assets that will grow over time. It’s not about hoarding money or spending it recklessly. It’s about making smart, informed decisions that align with your values and goals.

    Money can be a touchy subject, but it doesn’t have to be. You can create a healthy, fulfilling relationship with money by treating money as a tool and shifting your mindset from scarcity to abundance. Remember, you’re worthy of abundance. So, start your journey to the financial zen today.

    It is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself. The Universe will always give us what we give to ourselves first. We are all worthy no matter what we’ve been told. Self-love is incredibly healing and powerful because when we love ourselves, we become less needy and more open to receiving love from others, allowing for a more fulfilling, abundant, and happy life.