
  • How to Kick Ass at Life by Letting Shit Go: Win by Surrendering

    How to Kick Ass at Life by Letting Shit Go: Win by Surrendering

    You want to win at life? Then it’s time to learn the art of surrender. Yeah, you heard me right. Surrender. It might sound like a paradox, but it’s the secret sauce to achieving your goals.

    Surrender: Your Unexpected Ally in Winning at Life

    Surrendering, contrary to popular belief, isn’t about giving up or admitting defeat. It’s not about waving a white flag or throwing in the towel when things get tough. No, surrendering is about embracing the unexpected, the unknown, and the uncontrollable aspects of life. It’s about recognizing that we can’t control everything, and that’s not just okay—it’s liberating.

    When you surrender, you’re not giving up control—you’re giving up the illusion of control. You’re acknowledging that life is unpredictable and that’s part of its beauty. You’re allowing yourself to flow with life’s currents instead of constantly trying to swim against them.

    Surrendering is like taking a deep, cleansing breath. It’s about releasing tension, letting go of fear, and opening yourself up to new possibilities. It’s about trusting in the process, even when you can’t see the end result.

    The Power of Letting Go: Unleashing Your Potential

    Letting go is a powerful act. It’s about releasing what no longer serves you, whether that’s a toxic relationship, a dead-end job, or a limiting belief about yourself. It’s about making space for new opportunities, experiences, and perspectives to enter your life.

    Letting go is not about losing—it’s about gaining. When you let go of something that’s not working, you gain the freedom to pursue something that will. You gain the opportunity to learn, grow, and evolve. You gain the chance to discover new aspects of yourself and your capabilities.

    Consider this: a tree must let go of its dead leaves to make room for new growth. Similarly, a snake must shed its old skin to grow. In the same vein, we must let go of what’s holding us back to move forward.

    The Story of Alice: A Lesson in Letting Go

    Consider Alice, a high-powered executive who was stuck in a job she hated. She was miserable, stressed, and felt trapped. But she was afraid to let go because she was comfortable. She knew what to expect, and the idea of venturing into the unknown scared her.

    One day, Alice decided she had enough. She let go of her fear, quit her job, and started her own business. It was scary, and it was uncertain, but it was also exhilarating. Alice found that by letting go of what was holding her back, she was able to pursue her passion and live a life that truly fulfilled her.

    Exercise: The Power of Letting Go

    Here’s a simple exercise to help you practice letting go. Write down something in your life that’s not working—it could be a job, a relationship, a habit, or a belief. Then, write down what you stand to gain by letting go. What opportunities could open up? How could your life improve? This exercise can help you see the benefits of letting go and motivate you to take action.

    Remember, letting go doesn’t mean you’re weak—it means you’re strong enough to let go of what’s not serving you and brave enough to pursue what will. It’s about making space for the new and better by releasing the old and outdated. It’s about embracing change, embracing growth, and embracing your potential.

    So, are you ready to surrender and let go? Are you ready to win at life? It’s time to take that leap of faith. It’s time to let go and let life unfold in its own beautiful, unpredictable, and exciting way.

    Accepting Yourself: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

    Another benefit of surrendering is that it allows you to accept yourself for who you are. We live in a society that is constantly telling us that we need to be someone else to be happy and prosperous. But the truth is, you are perfect just the way you are—flaws and all.

    Exercise: Self-Acceptance Journaling

    Try this exercise: Grab a journal and write down all the things you love about yourself. Include your strengths, your quirks, your accomplishments. Then, write down the things you consider your flaws. Look at each one and ask yourself, “How has this trait served me in the past? How can it serve me in the future?” You might be surprised at the insights you gain.

    Becoming Zen AF about Life

    Life becomes much easier when you stop resisting what is and flow with the current. This doesn’t mean that you should stop striving for your goals—it just means that you should approach life with a sense of detachment and non-attachment.

    The Art of Finding Your Flow

    Finding your flow is a key part of this process. As I’ve discussed in my blog post about finding your flow, it’s about engaging in activities that challenge you and align with your skills. It’s about losing yourself in what you love and becoming fully present in the moment.

    Next time something isn’t working out for you, or if you’re feeling stressed about something, take a moment to pause and remind yourself that it’s okay to surrender. You don’t have to be in control of everything all the time. Let go of your expectations, relax, and accept whatever the outcome may be.

    This can be a difficult shift in mindset, but it can be the lifesaver you’ve been looking for. Allow yourself to be present in the moment and trust that everything will work out in the end.

    So, go out there and start living your best life—detached, present, and ready to kick ass!


  • Unlock Your Higher Self: A Straight-Talk Guide to Inner Power

    Unlock Your Higher Self: A Straight-Talk Guide to Inner Power

    Alright, let’s dive into this. We’re gonna talk about something that’s been rattling around in my brain for a while now. It’s all about tuning into your higher self and your ability to create the life you want. Ever felt like there’s more to life than what meets the eye? Like there’s a power beyond this physical world that’s within your reach if you just take a moment to tap into it? Well, you’re not alone, my friend.

    The Power of the Higher Self

    Many folks have sought to connect with this higher power, this source of wisdom known as the Higher Self. This is a part of our consciousness that can provide insight, direction, and clarity when life gets messy. When you’re in sync with your higher self, you can tap into all the knowledge and power that comes with it. And let me tell you, that can help you manifest all sorts of shit in your life. I’m talking happiness, love, success – the whole shebang.

    As entrepreneurs, you’re not just creating businesses, products, and services. You’re also creating jobs and opportunities. To create something new, you first need to connect with something new. This begins with connecting with your higher self. This connection with the unknown can be a bit of a bitch, but it’s also incredibly rewarding.

    Connecting with the Unknown

    To get there, you first need to connect with your higher self. Here, you can get in touch with your intuition, allowing your true inspiration and creativity to come through. This connection can be made through meditation, journaling, and other forms of self-reflection. Once you make this connection, you can start to bring your ideas to life.

    When you connect with your higher self, you open yourself to limitless possibilities. You also gain clarity about what it is that you want to create. From there, you can begin to take steps to make your dreams a reality.

    I used to think that to connect with my higher self, I had to be some guru or spiritual master. But it turns out, all it took was a simple change in perspective and consciousness. Once I made the switch, my intuition kicked into high gear, and the magic started happening. Suddenly, I had this new kind of freedom I never knew was possible.

    The Magic of Intuition

    The day I found out I had magic powers… It all started in June 2017. I didn’t almost die or anything dramatic. But I flew to Boston for a mastermind retreat I was in, and I wouldn’t come back as I left. Her name was Lisa, and for whatever reason, this day, after she was frustrated communicating a few things, I touched her arm and felt everything. I felt her inner child, emotions, and lifetime before my eyes. I still, to this day, don’t know why someone with oh so little belief in anything, especially that kind of shit, turned out to be incredibly spiritually gifted.

    It’s been years since that life-changing moment, and let me tell you, it’s been amazing. Each day brings new adventures and opportunities, all because I tapped into my higher self, and I was able to create this amazing business I never even knew I wanted.

    We all have that little voice that tells us whether something feels right or wrong. It’s our gut instinct, and it’s there for a reason. Our higher selves constantly try to guide us toward the path of least resistance — otherwise known as our soul’s purpose. But what exactly is the higher self? And how do we connect with it?

    Understanding the Higher Self

    The higher self is different from the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of ourselves. It’s more of an intuitive wisdom that transcends the physical and mental limitations of the human experience. It can be seen as our divine nature, our connection to the Universe, and a higher power. Our higher self allows us to access our true potential and manifest our strongest desires. It’s the voice of our soul, speaking to us through our intuition and dreams. We can make powerful choices and take inspired actions when we tap into them. The higher self is often thought of as our true identity — the part of us that exists beyond the everyday ego. It’s who we are at our core. When we’re in touch with our higher selves, we feel aligned with our values and purpose in life. We know what we need to do and have the courage to do it.

    How to Connect With Your Higher Self

    There are many ways to connect with your higher self, but the most important thing is to be open to the possibility. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

    One of the simplest is through meditation. Meditation allows us to escape the noise of our daily lives and connect with our innermost thoughts and feelings. When we’re able to quiet our minds, we can hear the soft voice of our intuition more clearly. Other ways to connect with your higher self include journaling, spending time in nature, and engaging in creative pursuits.

    1. Get still and quiet. To hear the voice of your higher self, you need to create some space for it. That means turning off the TV, putting down your phone, and taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Find a quiet place to relax and be alone with your thoughts.


    2. Listen to your intuition. Your higher self constantly communicates with you, but it speaks in a language of feelings and intuition. Please pay attention to the little nudges and impulses you feel throughout the day, and trust that they’re leading you in the right direction.


    3. Follow your heart. When making a decision, don’t overthink it — go with your gut instinct. Your soul knows what’s best for you, so trust it.


    4. Be open to guidance. The more receptive you are to advice from your higher self, the easier it will be to receive it. Ask for help when you need it, and be willing to accept whatever comes your way.


    5. Live with intention. Intentional living is key to staying connected with your higher self. That means setting aside time daily to connect with your innermost thoughts and feelings and taking action on the most important things.

    Why Bother Connecting with Your Higher Self?

    You might be wondering why it’s worth taking the time to connect with your higher self. After all, doesn’t that mean sitting around and doing nothing? But connecting with your higher self isn’t about doing nothing — it’s about discovering who you are and what you’re meant to do in this lifetime. When you connect with your higher self, you open yourself to a world of possibility and potential. You allow yourself to be guided by your intuition instead of your ego, and you start making choices that align with your soul’s purpose. In other words, connecting with your higher self is one of the most important things you can do for yourself — on a personal and professional level.

    The bottom line is that connecting with your higher self is essential for living a fulfilling life. When you take the time to connect with your true identity, you open yourself up to a world of possibility and potential. You allow yourself to be guided by your intuition instead of your ego, and you start making choices that align with your soul’s purpose. So if you’re feeling lost or stuck in life, try meditating, journaling, spending time in nature, or engaging in some other activity that will help you connect with your higher self. Chances are good that everything will start falling into place once you start listening to that soft voice inside you.

    The Journey to Self-Discovery

    Let me share a story with you. There was a time when I was stuck in a rut, feeling lost and directionless. I was working a job that didn’t fulfill me, and I felt like I was just going through the motions. Then, one day, I stumbled upon a book about spirituality and the concept of the higher self. It was like a light bulb went off in my head. I realized that I had been ignoring this powerful part of myself, and it was time to reconnect.

    I started meditating, journaling, and spending more time in nature. I began to listen to my intuition and trust my gut instincts. And you know what? My life started to change. I found a new sense of purpose and direction. I quit my job and started my own business. I felt happier, more fulfilled, and more in tune with myself than ever before.

    This is the power of connecting with your higher self. It’s not some woo-woo concept or new-age nonsense. It’s about getting in touch with the deepest, most authentic part of yourself. It’s about listening to your intuition, following your heart, and living a life that’s true to who you are.

    Exercises to Connect with Your Higher Self

    If you’re ready to start this journey, here are a few exercises to help you connect with your higher self:

    1. Meditation: Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. As thoughts come and go, simply observe them without judgment. The goal is not to empty your mind, but to become a passive observer of your thoughts.

    2. Journaling: Write down your thoughts, feelings, and dreams. Don’t censor yourself or worry about grammar or spelling. The goal is to express yourself freely and honestly.

    3. Nature Walks: Spend time in nature. Go for a walk in the park, hike in the woods, or simply sit in your backyard. Pay attention to the sights, sounds, and smells around you. Nature has a way of calming our minds and helping us connect with our inner selves.

    4. Dream Journal: Keep a journal by your bed and write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Dreams can provide valuable insights into our subconscious minds and help us connect with our higher selves.

    The Power of the Higher Self in Numbers

    According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, more than a quarter of U.S. adults (27%) now say they think of themselves as spiritual but not religious, up 8 percentage points in five years. This shows that more and more people are turning inward and seeking to connect with their higher selves.

    The journey to self-discovery and connecting with your higher self may not always be easy, but it’s worth it. It’s about finding your purpose, living authentically, and creating a life that’s true to who you are. So, are you ready to start your journey?


  • Feelings and Their Power

    Feelings, F*cking Feelings: The Raw Truth and How to Harness Their Power

    We’ve all been there, right?

    Those moments when we’d rather do anything than feel our damn feelings. It’s like being on a rollercoaster that only goes down. But here’s the kicker: if we let ourselves ride that emotional rollercoaster, we might just find parts of ourselves we didn’t even know existed. 

    Scary? Hell yeah. 

    Worth it? Absolutely.

    The Power of Emotions: A Lesson from Eckhart Tolle

    Let’s take a page out of Eckhart Tolle’s book, “The Power of Now”. Picture this: you’re reading this book for the first time, and it’s like trying to decipher an alien language. But as you persist, you start to understand the profound wisdom it holds. Tolle talks about how emotions can be our compass to truth. He suggests that we should trust our gut, our intuition, because it’s like our internal GPS, always guiding us in the right direction.

    But here’s the thing: not all emotions are your friends. Some are like those annoying party crashers who just won’t leave. So, while Tolle’s insights are golden, remember to use your brain too. Emotions are a guide, not the whole damn map.

    Emotional Health: The Neglected Middle Child

    Now, let’s talk about emotional health. It’s like the neglected middle child of overall health. But guess what? It’s just as important as hitting the gym or eating your greens. If you’ve been feeling like crap and can’t figure out why, it’s time to pay attention to your emotional health. Want to learn more about emotional health and why it’s so damn important? Check out this comprehensive guide on our website.

    Exercise: Spend 10 minutes each day writing down your feelings in a journal. This simple act can help you become more aware of your emotional state and identify any patterns or triggers.


    What the Hell are Emotions?

    So, what the hell are emotions, and how do they work? They’re complex responses triggered by specific situations or events, and they’re a mix of physical reactions and mental processing. Think of them as your body’s way of dealing with life’s shitstorms and rainbows.


    Emotions: The Human Lie Detector

    Emotions can also be a pretty reliable lie detector. When someone’s trying to hide their true feelings, it often shows in their body language and facial expressions. On the flip side, when someone’s being genuine, they tend to make eye contact and speak with conviction. So, while emotions can be a pain in the ass, they can also be a powerful tool for understanding the world around us.

    Example: Think about the last time you had a gut feeling that someone was lying to you. Your intuition was probably picking up on subtle emotional cues that something was off.

    The Role of Emotions in Our Lives

    Emotions play a starring role in our daily lives and personal relationships. They’re like the soundtrack to our life’s movies, setting the tone for our experiences. They help us navigate life and connect with others. Without them, we’d be like a ship without a compass.

    Managing Emotions: A Survival Guide

    Now, let’s talk about managing emotions. Here are some tips:

    1. Identify your triggers: What makes you want to scream into a pillow or jump for joy? Knowing your triggers can help you prepare for or avoid certain situations.
    2. Be mindful of your thoughts and beliefs: Our thoughts and beliefs shape our emotional experiences. So, challenge those negative thoughts and beliefs, and replace them with positive ones.
    3. Practice self-compassion: Be kind to yourself, especially when life’s giving you lemons. Accept your limitations and be patient with yourself.
    4. Seek professional help: If your emotions are running the show and you’re struggling to regain control, it might be time to seek help from a professional.

    The Double-Edged Sword of Emotions

    But what about the downsides of using emotions to find truth or understanding? Well, while emotions can be revealing, they can also be misleading. They’re unreliable, but they can be a good starting point for further exploration.

    Can Emotional Intelligence Be Improved?

    Can emotional intelligence be improved over time? Hell, yes, it can. Emotional intelligence is about being aware of and managing your own emotions and the emotions of others. It’s a skill that can be honed with practice. So, pay attention to your emotions, practice self-awareness, improve your self-management skills, and increase your social awareness. And remember, there’s no shame in asking for help.

    Exercise: Try a mindfulness exercise. Spend a few minutes daily focusing on your breath and observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This can help improve your emotional intelligence over time.


    In conclusion, emotions are powerful, and they shouldn’t be underestimated. They can provide insight and understanding and can improve our overall well-being. So, let’s stop avoiding our feelings and use them to our advantage. After all, they’re a part of us and here to stay. So, let’s make the most of them and use them to improve our lives.

    Ready to take the next step in your emotional journey?

    Check out our course, “Unmask Your True Self.” It’s designed to help you dive deeper into your emotions, understand your true self, and harness the power of your feelings. Don’t let your emotions control you. Instead, learn to control them and use them for personal growth and success. Click here to learn more and sign up today!


  • Burning It All Down: My Leap Towards Happiness

    Burning It All Down: My Leap Towards Happiness

    If you’re in your mid-30s or early 40s and feeling like a hamster on a wheel, just going through the motions day after day, you’re not alone. I was there, too. Then I said, “Screw it!” and decided to start over from scratch. Sounds batshit crazy, right? But let me tell you, it was the best damn decision I ever made. Here’s my story.

    The Decision to Start Over

    After years of hustling in the online business world, I decided to burn it all down and start fresh. Why the hell would I end something that was thriving and making money? Something that I once loved more than free Wi-Fi? Well, buckle up because I’m about to spill the tea.

    In April 2022, I officially quit everything. I walked away from my online business and started over from scratch. And guess what? I don’t regret it for a second.


    The Reason Behind the Madness

    I Wasn’t Fucking Happy Anymore

    Everything felt like a rerun of a bad sitcom. I was mentally in the dumps, gained 15 lbs, dreaded motherhood, and hated my business. The irony? I taught mindfulness and self-love for years. But when money and business lost their charm, I had to find a new driving force. And that force was ME.

    So, I Chose Myself

    When you put yourself first, everything else falls into place. I’m no longer defined by the external world dictating my fulfillment. And let me tell you, I’ve never been so damn happy. My life is incredibly different now—it’s like I walked into a parallel universe. Every relationship I have improved because when you’re happy with yourself, you’re happier with those around you.

    The Benefits of Starting Over

    According to a study by Shopify, seasoned entrepreneurs know that failure comes with the territory. They are often the ones who try, fail, and all start over again. Entrepreneur mindset kicks in and transforms failure into opportunity. One study found that second-time entrepreneurs had higher success rates than entrepreneurship newbies.

    Starting over allows you to be braver, smarter, and more efficient. It increases the stakes for us, making us more committed and driven. It also opens doors to a new way of thinking and being by changing (and hopefully lightening) your load and offering new perspectives.

    My Business Has Now Evolved

    My business has now evolved into Daring to be Human, a public charity that unleashes the power of selling goods and services to fund our mission. I aim to open a healing retreat center in Puerto Rico, offering alternative therapies and fostering local sustainability. This would help empower local farmers who cannot purchase land due to economic challenges while increasing food production in the area.

    8 Things to consider if you are thinking about starting over in your business or career to know you are making the right decision based on logic and reason rather than a rash reaction.

    1. Assess your current situation: Roll up your sleeves and take a long, hard look at your current job or business. Understand why you want to make a change and what you want to achieve by doing so. 
    2. Consider the pros and cons: Make a list of the pros and cons of staying in your current situation and making a change. Think about each option’s potential risks and rewards, and decide which is best for you. 
    3. Set realistic goals: Before you embark on your new venture, set goals for yourself that are achievable and measurable. Then plan out the steps you need to take to reach those goals. 
    4. Research your new path: Do your homework and research the industry, the job market, and the demands of the new path you are considering. Make sure that it is the right move for you. 
    5. Ask for advice: Talk to experts in the field, family, and friends who have ventured down a similar path. Listen to their advice and heed it where necessary. 
    6. Make a plan: Make a detailed plan that outlines the steps you need to take for your new venture. Be sure to set time frames for each step and have a plan for when things don’t go as expected. 
    7. Take action: Put your plan into action, and don’t be afraid to make adjustments along the way. Be prepared to take risks and accept that there may be failures along the way. 
    8. Evaluate your progress: Once you’ve taken the plunge, evaluate your progress and make adjustments as necessary. Celebrate your successes, and don’t be afraid to take a step back if needed.

    If you’re unhappy with your current situation, don’t be scared to make a drastic change—you might find happiness again as I did. Life is too short to settle for anything less than happiness and contentment. Trust me; it’s possible to find your joy again—I’m living proof.

    Your Turn

    Now, it’s your turn. Are you feeling stuck in your current situation? Are you considering a bold move to start over? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Drop a comment below and let’s start a conversation.

    Starting over isn’t easy, but sometimes it’s the best thing you can do for yourself. It takes courage, determination, and a whole lot of self-love. But trust me, the rewards are worth it. So, if you’re feeling stuck, why not consider a fresh start? You never know where it might lead you.

    Disclaimer: I was in the financial place to do so. Not having a plan at the time this took place was a viable option for me as it wouldn’t burden my family drastically. So, don’t just jump without checking if you have a parachute.

    If you enjoyed this post and found it helpful, please share it with others who might benefit from it. And don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more inspiring stories and practical tips on starting over and living a life of fulfillment and joy.


  • Shadow Work: Your No-Nonsense Way to Inner Healing

    Shadow Work: Your No-Nonsense Way to Inner Healing

    Today, we’re diving headfirst into shadow work’s deep, dark, and somewhat mysterious world. You might be thinking, “What the hell is shadow work?” Well, buckle up, buttercup, because we’re about to get real uncomfortable, real fast. But trust me; it’s worth it.

    What the Hell is Shadow Work?

    Shadow work is like that awkward family reunion where you must confront your weird Uncle Bob, who always makes inappropriate jokes. In this case, Uncle Bob is the part of you that you’ve been avoiding like the plague. It’s not some spooky, dark magic shit, but a journey inward, through the uncomfortable truths and shadows, to get beyond your suffering.

    The Ugly Truth About Shadows

    Most people are walking around like they’re in a damn episode of The Walking Dead, living in denial of their shadows. This causes a shitload of suffering because, let’s face it, you can’t ignore your problems and be at peace simultaneously. That’s like trying to enjoy a peaceful picnic while a bear is rummaging through your food. Not gonna happen.

    The Science Behind Shadow Work

    According to Carl Jung, a renowned Swiss psychiatrist, the ‘shadow’ is the unknown dark side of our personality. It comprises repressed ideas, instincts, impulses, weaknesses, desires, and embarrassing fears. This is the stuff we deny in ourselves and project onto others.

    The Benefits of Shadow Work

    There are a shit ton of benefits to doing shadow work. The most obvious is that it can help free you from the pain and suffering these shadows are causing you. You can move through and release them from your system by facing them head-on.

    Additionally, shadow work can help you to become more self-aware and emotionally intelligent. As you learn more about yourself and your shadows, you’ll be better equipped to deal with life’s curveballs healthily.

    Finally, shadow work can also lead to personal transformation and growth. You’ll find that you can live more fully and authentically as you heal your shadows. You may even find that your life takes on new meaning and purpose.

    Shadow Work in Action: A Real-Life Example

    Let’s take a look at a real-life example. Meet Lisa Coots-Schooley. Lisa, despite her success, had been on a journey to find her purpose. She had tried everything, spending about 75K (USD) on rehab, therapy, courses, retreats, and programs. But nothing seemed to work until she found shadow work.

    Lisa says, “She [Danielle] got into my core and tore down those walls; no one has ever done that. Everything else I did only uncovered surface layers – she went so deep she brought a voice to parts of me – it’s what I prayed for.”

    Through shadow work, Lisa could confront her inner demons and tear down the walls holding her back. She could go deeper than she ever had before, bringing a voice to parts of herself that had been silenced. This transformative experience allowed Lisa to find her purpose and live a more fulfilling life.

    This is the power of shadow work. It’s not just about confronting your shadows; it’s about understanding them, integrating them, and using them to fuel your growth and transformation. It’s about finding and using your voice to express your true self. And as Lisa’s story shows, it’s a journey that’s well worth the effort.

    How to Do Shadow Work

    If you’re ready to do some shadow work, there are a few things you can do to get started. First, getting rid of anything in your life that’s not serving you is important—this includes toxic relationships, negative thought patterns, unhelpful belief systems, etc. These things will only weigh you down and make it harder for you to do shadow work.

    Second, start paying attention to your dreams and intuitions. These are messages from your subconscious mind trying to tell you something important. Pay attention to what these messages tell you and see if there’s anything YOU need to work on—not anyone else, just YOU!

    Lastly, find a therapist or counselor who can help guide you through this process if needed, someone who won’t judge or shame you but will help hold space for YOU while YOU confront YOUR shadows head-on.

    Ready to Kick Some Shadow Ass?

    So, if you’re interested in doing some shadow work, plenty of resources are available online and in books. I recommend starting with journaling prompts or exercises to familiarize yourself with your shadows. Once you feel ready, consider working with a therapist or coach specializing in shadow work. Remember, there’s no rush – take things at your own pace and go at whatever speed feels comfortable for you. Trust that the process of shadow work will unfold in perfect timing for you.

    I specialize in shadow work with my private clients; my practice goes much deeper than traditional shadow work due to my spiritual gifts and intuitive abilities. Let’s chat to see if I may be able to assist you

    This guide has actionable insights and reflective exercises to help you dive into authentic living. 


  • The Damn Good Side of Not Being a Damn Perfect

    Uncovering the True Rewards of Not Being Perfect

    Life ain’t a damn fairy tale, and you sure as hell ain’t Cinderella. So, let’s cut the crap and get real. You’re not perfect, and guess what? That’s the best fucking thing about you!

    The Real Deal About Perfection

    Ever heard the saying, “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters”? Well, it’s not just some fancy quote to slap on your Instagram bio. It’s the real deal. We all fuck up. It’s part of the human package. But it’s how we bounce back from those fuck-ups that define us.

    We’ve got this twisted idea that perfection is the goal. But let me tell you, that’s a load of bull. Perfection is a myth, a mirage. It’s like chasing a rainbow, thinking there’s a pot of gold at the end. Spoiler alert: there isn’t!

    Why Imperfection Kicks Perfectionism’s Ass

    Striving for perfection is like running on a treadmill. You’re huffing and puffing, but you’re not going anywhere. And at the end of the day, you’re just left feeling like shit. So, why not embrace your glorious imperfections? They’re what make you unique, interesting, and human.

    The Story of John: A Tale of Perfectionism

    Take John, for example. He was a high-flying executive, always striving for perfection. He worked 80-hour weeks, never took vacations, and was constantly stressed out. He thought he was chasing success, but he only got a heart attack at 40. Don’t be like John.

    Stop Trying to Be a Damn Superhero

    You’re not Superman or Wonder Woman. You’re you, and that’s your superpower. So, stop trying to do it all and start doing what you can, and do it damn well.

    Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

    Mistake #1: Playing the Lone Ranger

    We all need a helping hand sometimes. So, swallow your pride and ask for help when you need it. It doesn’t make you weak; it makes you smart.

    Mistake #2: Letting Your Emotions Drive the Bus

    We’re all emotional creatures. But if you let your emotions take the wheel all the time, you’re in for a bumpy ride. Learn to control your emotions, not the other way around.

    Mistake #3: Not Planning for Shit

    Life is unpredictable. If you don’t plan for the future, you’re setting yourself up for a world of hurt. So, get your shit together and start planning.

    How to Kick Perfectionism to the Curb

    1. Stop comparing your behind-the-scenes to everyone else’s highlight reel.
    2. Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s just that – small stuff.
    3. Let go of the idea of perfection. It’s overrated.
    4. Focus on the journey, not the destination.
    5. Take it one day at a time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are you.

    Mistakes: The Best Damn Teachers

    Mistakes are life’s way of teaching us. They help us grow, learn, and become better versions of ourselves. So, the next time you fuck up, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” Then pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward.

    Exercise: Turning Fuck-ups into Opportunities

    The next time you make a mistake, write it down. Then, write down what you learned from it and how you can apply that lesson in the future. This simple exercise can help you turn your fuck-ups into opportunities for growth.

    The Power of Self-Compassion

    When you make a mistake, it’s easy to fall into the trap of self-criticism. But research shows that self-compassion – treating yourself with kindness and understanding when you screw up – is linked to less anxiety and depression. So, the next time you mess up, instead of beating yourself up, try treating yourself with the same kindness you’d show to a friend who’s struggling.

    Exercise: Practice Self-Compassion

    Next time you make a mistake, take a moment to acknowledge your feelings. Say to yourself, “This is really difficult right now,” or, “I’m feeling really stressed.” Then, remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes and you’re not alone. Finally, ask yourself, “What do I need to hear right now to express kindness to myself?” This simple exercise can help you cultivate a more compassionate attitude towards yourself.


    So, here’s the deal. You’re not perfect, and that’s okay. The world doesn’t revolve around you. Other people have valid opinions, too. You’re not always going to be the smartest person in the room. Life is full of surprises. Embrace them!

    Remember, you’re not a robot. You’re a beautifully flawed human being. So, the next time you make a mistake, cut yourself some slack. Learn from it, grow from it, and move the fuck on.

    And remember, as we’ve discussed in our previous blog post, change is the only constant. So, embrace the change, embrace your imperfections, and keep growing.